Sentinels, quiet and unassuming yet bold and commanding. Stand here as silent witness.
Sentinels is a direct response my experience of being squeezed, restricted
and cornered, sliding inadvertently into what I now know as the "sandwich generation".
The sandwich generation are those wedged between the obligation to care for their ageing parents and their own children. This body of work came about through questioning my overwhelming visceral need to run away and escape to the high country of the Gibraltar Ranges in Bundjalung country. This area of towering granite monoliths dates from the permo-triassic era, interestingly a time also sandwiched between two bold eras.
Why is it that this place could restore and repair her system? Why is it that everyone has a boulder country story? What is it that makes it a safe space? Are the sentinels watching over us? Who is watching over who?
Or are they the indicators of something else.
Material - raku clay, oxides, earthenware firing
Dimensions - Largest sentinel stands at 800mm tall